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Class 8 Science Chapter 7 Reaching the Age of Adolescence

This quiz on Reaching the Age of Adolescence is designed to assess students' understanding of the physical, emotional, and hormonal changes that occur during adolescence. It covers key topics such as puberty, secondary sexual characteristics, endocrine glands, reproductive health, and hygiene. Through multiple-choice and short-answer questions, students will test their knowledge while receiving instant feedback and explanations for incorrect answers. The quiz also includes supplementary notes and video links for better clarity. If you score 50% or above, you will receive a Certificate of Achievement by mail. All the best! Take the quiz and identify your weaker topics and subtopics.

1 / 100

Category: Introduction

1. During which stage do boys and girls become capable of reproduction?

2 / 100

Category: What is adolescence?

2. What is the most important change that marks puberty?

3 / 100

Category: Why can humans reproduce only after a certain age?

3. Why does adolescence typically begin around the age of 11 in humans?

4 / 100

Category: Role of hormones in growing up.

4. Which gland controls the secretion of hormones from the testes and ovaries?

5 / 100

Category: Adolescence and Puberty

5. During adolescence, which of the following changes is primarily responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics in boys?

6 / 100

Category: Adolescence and Its Characteristics

6. Which of the following is a secondary sexual characteristic in boys during puberty?

7 / 100

Category: Definition of adolescence

7. During adolescence, the pituitary gland plays a crucial role in regulating growth and reproductive maturity. Which of the following hormones is directly responsible for stimulating the testes to produce testosterone?

8 / 100

Category: Age range of adolescence (11–18/19 years)

8. A boy starts adolescence at the age of 12 and experiences puberty for 6 years. What is the range of his teenage years if adolescence lasts until 19 years of age?

9 / 100

Category: Adolescence vs. teenage years

9. A 16-year-old girl has started menstruating and has developed secondary sexual characteristics like breast enlargement and widening of hips. Her friends are also experiencing similar changes. Which term best describes this stage of life?

10 / 100

Category: Individual variations in adolescence

10. (A) Adolescents may experience sudden growth spurts during puberty, leading to disproportionate body parts.
(R) Different parts of the body grow at different rates during adolescence.

11 / 100

Category: Puberty and Its Onset

11. (A) The onset of puberty is controlled by hormones.
(R) Hormones are chemical substances secreted by endocrine glands that regulate body functions.

12 / 100

Category: Definition of puberty

12. (A) Puberty is the stage when adolescents reach reproductive maturity.
(R) During puberty, the body undergoes changes that make boys and girls capable of reproduction.

13 / 100

Category: Changes marking the onset of puberty

13. (A) The development of secondary sexual characters in boys is primarily driven by the hormone estrogen.
(R) Estrogen is responsible for the growth of facial hair and deepening of the voice in males.

14 / 100

Category: Reproductive maturity in boys and girls

14. What is the term used to describe the first menstrual flow that begins at puberty in girls?

15 / 100

Category: Changes at Puberty

15. Which hormone is responsible for the development of male secondary sexual characteristics?

16 / 100

Category: Increase in Height

16. By the age of 11, a boy has reached 81\% of his full height, while a girl has reached 88\% of her full height. If both are 140 cm tall at this age, who is likely to be taller as adults and by how much?

17 / 100

Category: Growth spurt during adolescence

17. A boy is 15 years old and his present height is 170 cm. If he continues to grow at the same rate, what percentage of his full height has he already achieved?

18 / 100

Category: Growth patterns in boys vs. girls

18. (A) Girls grow faster than boys during the initial stages of puberty.
(R) The rate of growth in height varies among individuals, but initially, girls grow faster than boys.

19 / 100

Category: Genetic factors influencing height

19. During adolescence, an individual's height is primarily influenced by which of the following factors?

20 / 100

Category: Importance of nutrition for proper growth

20. Which of the following meals is considered a balanced diet for an adolescent?

21 / 100

Category: Change in Body Shape

21. During puberty, which part of the body undergoes significant widening in girls?

22 / 100

Category: Broader shoulders in boys

22. (A) Boys develop broader shoulders during puberty due to increased muscle growth.
(R) During puberty, boys experience more prominent muscle growth compared to girls.

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Category: Wider hips in girls

23. What is a common physical change observed in boys during puberty compared to their earlier years?

24 / 100

Category: Muscle development in boys

24. A 12-year-old boy is 150 cm tall. Using the given growth chart, what is his likely full height?

25 / 100

Category: Voice Change

25. During puberty, why does the voice of some boys crack and eventually become deeper?

26 / 100

Category: Growth of the larynx (voice box)

26. (A) The voice of adolescent boys often cracks because the muscles of the growing larynx temporarily go out of control.
(R) The growth of the larynx during puberty leads to the development of a deeper voice in boys.

27 / 100

Category: Formation of Adam’s Apple in boys

27. (A) The enlargement of the larynx during puberty leads to the formation of Adam’s apple in boys.
(R) The larynx enlarges due to the increased production of testosterone, which is a male hormone.

28 / 100

Category: Hoarseness in boys’ voices during puberty

28. (A) The hoarseness in a boy's voice during puberty is due to the growth of the larynx.
(R) The larynx grows rapidly during puberty, causing the muscles to go out of control temporarily.

29 / 100

Category: Development of Sex Organs

29. In females, which of the following processes occurs in the ovaries during puberty?

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Category: Maturation of testes and penis in boys

30. Which gland secretes hormones that control the maturation of reproductive parts in males during puberty?

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Category: Maturation of ovaries in girls

31. Which gland secretes hormones that stimulate the ovaries to produce estrogen during puberty?

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Category: Start of sperm production in boys

32. (A) The production of sperms in boys begins at puberty due to the secretion of testosterone by the testes.
(R) Testosterone is a hormone secreted by the testes under the stimulation of pituitary hormones, which leads to the development of male secondary sexual characteristics and sperm production.

33 / 100

Category: Egg maturation and release in girls

33. What is the approximate age range during which the reproductive phase of life in females begins and ends?

34 / 100

Category: Increased Activity of Sweat and Oil Glands

34. What is the primary reason for increased sweating during puberty?

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Category: Increased Activity of Sweat and Oil Glands

35. (A) During puberty, the increased activity of sebaceous glands can lead to acne and pimples on the face.
(R) The sebaceous glands produce more oil during puberty, which can clog pores and lead to skin issues like acne.

36 / 100

Category: More sweating during puberty

36. What is a common skin condition associated with increased activity of sebaceous glands during puberty?

37 / 100

Category: More sweating during puberty

37. (A) During puberty, the activity of sweat glands increases.
(R) Increased sweating during puberty is due to hormonal changes that stimulate the sweat glands.

38 / 100

Category: Formation of acne/pimples due to sebaceous glands

38. During puberty, why do many young people experience acne and pimples on their faces?

39 / 100

Category: Formation of acne/pimples due to sebaceous glands

39. During puberty, what is the primary reason for the formation of acne and pimples on the face?

40 / 100

Category: Reaching Mental, Intellectual, and Emotional Maturity

40. During adolescence, which of the following best describes the intellectual development of individuals?

41 / 100

Category: Reaching Mental, Intellectual, and Emotional Maturity

41. (A) Adolescents experience significant intellectual development during puberty.
(R) The brain has the greatest capacity for learning during adolescence.

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Category: Adolescents become more independent

42. Why might an adolescent feel insecure during puberty?

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Category: Adolescents become more independent

43. During adolescence, why do individuals tend to spend more time thinking?

44 / 100

Category: Increased thinking and reasoning skills

44. (A) Adolescents tend to spend considerable time thinking and reasoning.
(R) The brain has the greatest capacity for learning during adolescence.

45 / 100

Category: Increased thinking and reasoning skills

45. An adolescent often feels insecure while adjusting to physical and mental changes. What is the most balanced approach for an adolescent to manage these insecurities?

46 / 100

Category: Emotional changes and insecurities

46. (A) Adolescents often feel insecure due to the rapid changes in their body and mind.
(R) These feelings of insecurity are a natural part of growing up and indicate intellectual development.

47 / 100

Category: Emotional changes and insecurities

47. Which of the following best describes the emotional maturity of adolescents?

48 / 100

Category: Secondary Sexual Characteristics

48. Which hormone is primarily responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics in males?

49 / 100

Category: Secondary Sexual Characteristics

49. Which of the following is a secondary sexual characteristic in boys?

50 / 100

Category: What Are Secondary Sexual Characters?

50. In girls, the development of breasts at puberty is primarily influenced by which hormone?

51 / 100

Category: What Are Secondary Sexual Characters?

51. Which hormone is responsible for the development of female secondary sexual characteristics such as breast development?

52 / 100

Category: Secondary Sexual Characteristics in Males

52. (A) The growth of facial hair in boys during puberty is primarily due to the release of testosterone.
(R) Testosterone is the male hormone responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics in males.

53 / 100

Category: Secondary Sexual Characteristics in Males

53. (A) The growth of facial hair in boys during puberty is a secondary sexual characteristic.
(R) This is because the male hormone testosterone, released by the testes at puberty, causes these changes.

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Category: Secondary Sexual Characteristics in Females

54. What is the primary function of the mammary glands in females?

55 / 100

Category: Secondary Sexual Characteristics in Females

55. Which hormone is responsible for the development of breasts in females during puberty?

56 / 100

Category: Role of Hormones in Initiating Reproductive Function

56. Which gland controls the production of sex hormones in both males and females?

57 / 100

Category: Role of Hormones in Initiating Reproductive Function

57. During puberty, the pituitary gland releases hormones that stimulate the testes and ovaries to produce sex hormones. If there is a malfunction in the pituitary gland, which of the following is most likely to occur?

58 / 100

Category: Endocrine Glands and Their Role

58. Which endocrine gland is responsible for controlling the release of sex hormones in both males and females during puberty?

59 / 100

Category: Endocrine Glands and Their Role

59. (A) The onset of puberty is primarily controlled by the pituitary gland.
(R) The pituitary gland secretes hormones that regulate the production of sex hormones in the testes and ovaries.

60 / 100

Category: Function of Hormones in the Body

60. Which hormone is primarily responsible for the onset of puberty in boys?

61 / 100

Category: Function of Hormones in the Body

61. (A) The pituitary gland controls the secretion of testosterone and estrogen.
(R) The pituitary gland secretes hormones that stimulate the testes and ovaries to produce their respective hormones.

62 / 100

Category: Reproductive Phase of Life in Humans

62. (A) Menstruation occurs once in about 28 to 30 days because it is regulated by hormonal changes in the female body.
(R) The menstrual cycle includes the maturation of the egg, its release, thickening of the uterine wall, and its breakdown if pregnancy does not occur.

63 / 100

Category: Reproductive Phase of Life in Humans

63. At what age does menopause typically occur in females?

64 / 100

Category: Reproductive Maturity in Males

64. A male individual starts producing sperms at puberty and continues to do so for the majority of his life. What is the primary reason that allows males to maintain sperm production over such a long period compared to females?

65 / 100

Category: Reproductive Maturity in Males

65. During puberty in males, a specific hormone is responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics. Which of the following statements accurately describes the role of this hormone in sperm production and secondary sexual characteristics development?

66 / 100

Category: Reproductive Maturity in Females

66. (A) The menstrual cycle in females is regulated by hormones.
(R) The hormones control the maturation of the egg, its release, and the thickening of the uterine wall.

67 / 100

Category: Reproductive Maturity in Females

67. At what age does menopause, the cessation of menstruation, typically occur in females?

68 / 100

Category: Menstrual Cycle

68. A 14-year-old girl has just experienced her first menstrual flow. Which of the following best describes the significance of this event in her reproductive life?

69 / 100

Category: Sex Determination in Babies

69. Which parent's chromosomes determine the sex of the baby?

70 / 100

Category: Role of Chromosomes in Determining Sex

70. (A) The sex of a baby is determined by the type of chromosome contributed by the sperm during fertilisation.
(R) The egg always contains an X chromosome, while the sperm can contain either an X or a Y chromosome.

71 / 100

Category: Chromosomes and DNA

71. (A) The sex of a baby is determined by the type of chromosome contributed by the sperm during fertilization.
(R) The sperm can carry either an X or a Y chromosome, while the egg always carries an X chromosome.

72 / 100

Category: Human body has 23 pairs of chromosomes

72. During fertilisation, if a sperm carrying a Y chromosome fuses with an egg, what will be the chromosomal composition of the resulting zygote and what will be the sex of the baby?

73 / 100

Category: Sex Chromosomes:

73. In a family with four children, all of them are female. What is the probability that the next child will also be female, assuming that the probability of having a male or female child is equal?

74 / 100

Category: Misconceptions About Sex Determination

74. Which of the following statements correctly explains the determination of a baby's sex?

75 / 100

Category: Other Important Hormones in the Body

75. What is the primary function of the hormone thyroxine produced by the thyroid gland?

76 / 100

Category: Hormones Other Than Sex Hormones

76. (A) Thyroxine production in the thyroid gland requires the presence of iodine in water.
(R) Iodine is essential for the synthesis of thyroxine, which regulates metabolism.

77 / 100

Category: Pituitary Gland: Controls growth and other endocrine glands

77. (A) The pituitary gland secretes hormones that regulate the production of sex hormones in the testes and ovaries.
(R) The pituitary gland controls the secretion of thyroid and adrenal hormones through its own hormones.

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Category: Thyroid Gland: Produces thyroxine (controls metabolism)

78. (A) Iodine deficiency in water leads to improper production of thyroxine.
(R) Thyroxine is a hormone produced by the thyroid gland that requires iodine for its synthesis.

79 / 100

Category: Pancreas: Produces insulin (controls blood sugar)

79. (A) Insulin is produced by the pancreas to regulate blood sugar levels.
(R) Without sufficient insulin, the body cannot properly metabolize glucose, leading to diabetes.

80 / 100

Category: Adrenal Glands: Produces adrenalin (stress hormone)

80. (A) Adrenalin is produced by the adrenal glands.
(R) Adrenalin helps the body to adjust to stress when one is very angry, embarrassed or worried.

81 / 100

Category: Role of Hormones in Metamorphosis

81. In a controlled experiment, tadpoles were placed in two different water environments: one with sufficient iodine and the other without iodine. What would be the most likely outcome for the tadpoles in the environment lacking iodine?

82 / 100

Category: Definition of Metamorphosis

82. A tadpole is unable to undergo metamorphosis into a frog in a pond with low iodine levels. Which hormone is directly responsible for this process and what is the role of iodine?

83 / 100

Category: Role of thyroxine in controlling metamorphosis

83. What will happen if tadpoles are grown in water with insufficient iodine?

84 / 100

Category: Role of Hormones in Completing the Life History of Insects and Frogs

84. In insects, metamorphosis is controlled by insect hormones. If an insect's pituitary gland is non-functional, which of the following processes would most likely be directly affected?

85 / 100

Category: Reproductive Health

85. A 16-year-old girl is told by her friend that she should not eat cold food during menstruation as it will cause infertility. Which of the following is the most appropriate response to this myth?

86 / 100

Category: Importance of Reproductive Health

86. During a health awareness program, a group of adolescent girls was advised to maintain proper hygiene during menstruation to avoid infections. Which of the following practices is most effective in preventing bacterial infections during menstruation?

87 / 100

Category: Physical and mental well-being during adolescence

87. Why is it important for adolescents to maintain personal hygiene?

88 / 100

Category: Safe and healthy practices

88. (A) Adolescents should take a bath at least once every day because the increased activity of sweat glands can make the body smelly.
(R) Maintaining cleanliness helps prevent bacterial infections.

89 / 100

Category: Nutritional Needs of Adolescents

89. Which of the following meals is considered balanced for an adolescent?

90 / 100

Category: Balanced diet: Proteins, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats

90. (A) A balanced diet for adolescents must include proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins in requisite proportions.
(R) Proteins are essential for growth, while carbohydrates and fats provide energy, and vitamins protect the body from diseases.

91 / 100

Category: Iron-rich foods: Prevents anemia

91. Which of the following foods is most effective in preventing anemia due to its high iron content?

92 / 100

Category: Avoiding junk food: Focus on healthy eating habits

92. Why should junk food like chips and packed snacks be avoided?

93 / 100

Category: Personal Hygiene During Adolescence

93. What is the recommended frequency for changing sanitary napkins or homemade pads during menstruation?

94 / 100

Category: Bathing daily to prevent body odor

94. Why is it essential for teenagers to bathe daily compared to other age groups?

95 / 100

Category: Proper menstrual hygiene for girls

95. A girl uses 4 sanitary napkins per day during her menstrual cycle, which lasts for 5 days. If she changes her napkin every 4 hours, how many napkins should she ideally use in total for the entire cycle?

96 / 100

Category: Using clean and safe hygiene products

96. What is the recommended frequency for changing sanitary napkins during menstruation to maintain hygiene?

97 / 100

Category: Importance of Physical Exercise

97. What is a common outcome observed in children who exercise regularly compared to those who do not?

98 / 100

Category: Staying active for overall health

98. (A) Regular physical exercise is essential for maintaining overall health.
(R) Physical exercise improves cardiovascular health, strengthens muscles, and enhances mental well-being.

99 / 100

Category: Outdoor games and regular walks

99. A school conducted a study to compare the fitness levels of students who regularly participate in outdoor games and those who do not. The study found that students who engaged in outdoor activities had a 20\% lower resting heart rate, 15\% higher lung capacity, and a 10\% lower body mass index (BMI) compared to those who did not. Based on these findings, which of the following conclusions can be drawn?

100 / 100

Category: Say “NO” to Drugs

100. Which of the following is a way HIV can be transmitted from an infected person to a healthy person?

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